
Thursday, 18 February 2021

Paddy Thresher Machine - Paddy Rice Threshers - Dhan Rice Thresher -

The paddy thresher is consisting of feeding chute, threshing cylinder, blower, straw outlet and grain outlet. The paddy crop's straw is separated from grain in the threshing cylinder. The straw is thrown out from the machine with the help of blower, and the paddies are thrown out through other outlet. The Paddy Thresher is a tool designed for threshing crops. The Paddy Thresher does not break the rice while threshing it, nor does it leave any rice behind.

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Krishitool paddy thresher is a low cost machine for threshing paddy without breaking the straw and capable of threshing moist crop as well. 

Advantages of the thresher :

Needing just a person to operate, it can thresh paddy ten times faster than four draft animals. It can also be used to thresh moist crop. Another feature of the thresher is that it retains the complete straw and does not chop it.


This machine use for paddy, Wheat, Milets and grains saperater

MS Heavy Fabrication Body Structure. 

Save Time and labour

Anyone can use and operate easily 

Easy to move and no need to required foundation for this machine.

Mass Production capacity.

Monday, 8 February 2021

Domestic Combined Rice Mill With Pulverizer Hammer Mill, 3HP Electric Motor -

 Rice mill combined with disc mill crusher can remove paddy husk, whitening rice, crush rice bran at one time. With alloy-steel roller that the rice has low breakage after processed. Easy to change spare parts when needed.

Combined Rice Mill cum Pulverizer can be used for dual purposes like milling of rice and powdering of dry materials like all kinds of masalas, grains and spices. It benefits to small-scale farmers.


Rice mill combined with disc mill crusher can remove paddy husk, whitening rice, crush rice bran at one time.
With alloy-steel roller that the rice has low breakage after processed.
Easy to change spare parts when needed.
Suitable for residential usage, NGOs, Self-Help Groups, and samll scale business, can benefit for samll scale farmers.

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